A Gift that Keeps on Giving

by Heidi White – WriteWord Associates

Until we reach a certain age in life, we don’t fully understand what it means to slow down. As children and youth, we want to get older and grow up so we can do x, y and z. Today’s youth spend so much time interacting on electronic devices they often miss out on family stories and history.

As young adults we spend a lot of time determining how to make our way in the world: meeting life partners, establishing careers and figuring things out. Before we know it, we’re in midlife and still wrapped up in jobs, raising families and trying to find time to reflect on who we are, let alone our family history. Most of our communication takes place via texting, email, instant messaging, and other electronic methods.

It’s no wonder we begin having trouble remembering what all we’ve spent our time doing. Before we know it, the last 50 years have flown by and we can’t remember as much as we once did. It’s easier to forget the little things, and sometimes that includes the big and not so big events of our past.

Before those precious memories begin to fade, take some time to sit and talk with family and friends or just spend time on your own reflecting on special moments or occasions from your life. Use photos, diaries, letters, calendars or other mementos as helpful reminders of things that happened. Utilize discussion or writing prompts to assist in the process. If available, designate a scribe or use a phone or other device to record your stories.

This holiday season take a moment to give your family a gift that keeps on giving for generations to come. As questions arise on how you might preserve your family stories, consider engaging a life story professional to help guide you in the process of remembering and documenting for your sake as well as your family’s sake both now and in the future.